5 uses for a spare mixer bottle
We’re in the process of upgrading all our members to a new and improved smoothie mixer bottle. If you’re wondering what to do with your spare, look no further. We’ve got suggestions.

1. Wash one, wear one
We made our smoothies for busy people, and guess what: busy people don’t always have time to do the dishes! So if you’re now the proud owner of two kencko bottles, you can keep one in the dishwasher/sink, and one in action. Or maybe you are one of those lucky people who actually goes to a different location to do your work, rather than shuffling around in your pajamas all day writing blog articles. In that case, stash one in your desk/locker and keep the other one in your kitchen at home.
2. Make friends and influence people
If you’re a kind and generous soul – and let’s give you the benefit of the doubt, for now – you might want to give your old bottle to a friend, along with some spare smoothies. And if they really love them, don’t forget that if they sign up for kencko you both get $10 off your next box. Just direct them to the referrals page at kencko.com, where they can enter your email address to access the deal. Would you look at that: “kind and generous” sometimes pays off, after all.
3. Shake up something new
Nobody (well, almost nobody) wants their smoothies to taste of garlic. But now that you have two bottles, you can use one of them to make salad dressing, without worrying that your signature zesty Italian vinaigrette will cross-contaminate your berry smoothie. It’s rumored around the kencko office that you can also shake up a mean Bloody Mary in our mixer bottles, should your morning lack a certain je ne sais quoi (that’s French for vodka).
4. Nurture some plant babies
If you want to feel like a successful gardener without leaving your home or getting your hands dirty, try rooting cuttings in water. Some of the things that kencko-ers have successfully propagated in our spare mixer bottles: house plants – including African violets, pothos and monstera – and sweet potato vines. You can also keep cut herbs, green onions, celery and asparagus spears fresh for longer by storing them in a jar (or kencko bottle) half-filled with clean water, in the fridge or another cool place.
5. Retain for recycling
We’ll level with you: the current recycling options for our Tritan plastic bottles are not great. While the technology does exist to fully recycle the material, the manufacturer is still developing the facilities to do so at scale. Our bottles are built to last for years, so the best thing you can do is re-use this safe and hard-wearing material for as long as it’s useful. We will be launching a bottle return and recycling program as soon as that’s practical, and possible: we just need your help to keep them out of landfill in the meantime. We’ll also continue researching recycled and recyclable alternatives to make future bottles more sustainable.

How to start composting at home
As we’re making the shift from industrial compostable materials to home compostable ones for our smoothie packets, we want to give you the info you need to take advantage of it!

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